Therapeutic Bodywork


Our experienced massage therapists can customize the treatment to address your specific health concerns. Experts in pain and injury management, range of motion, stress related constriction, and overall health, our bodywork practice helps you feel and get better. Some specific benefits of massage include: reduced muscle tension, improved circulation, stimulation of the lymphatic system, reduction of stress hormones, increased joint mobility and flexibility, and breakdown of cellulite for improved skin tone and weight loss. Regular bodywork has been shown to reduce depression and improve sleep.


Lymphatic drainage therapy is a form of gentle massage that encourages the healthy flow of lymph through the body. Lymph is a clear fluid that flows through the tissues collecting cellular wastes/toxins, fats, and pathogens for elimination. A lymphatic massage thus benefits both the immune and circulatory systems. Improving lymph flow reduces puffiness and bloating; reduces post-injury-operative swelling; reduces lymphedema or water retention; and helps breakdown fat and cellulite. It also reduces systemic inflammation and helps with pain syndromes and autoimmune conditions like rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia. 


Asian Bodywork combines manual healing therapies from Eastern medicine including acupressure, tuina, shiatsu, guasha, and cupping. These therapies balance the flow of energy or qi along the body’s twelve energy meridians that correspond with specific organs. Acupressure applies finger pressure, while Tuina or Chinese massage applies distinct stroking and rolling techniques over the acupoints. Shiatsu applies stretching techniques along the energy meridians. Put together these techniques release restrictions, improve energy flow and circulation to the organs, and destress the muscles and nerves for a profound feeling of wellbeing.